NMC2005 Presentation: Distance Collaboration Techniques

I just received word that our proposed session for NMC 2005 was accepted! The official title is: "Creative Action at a Distance: Practical Tools for Effective Online Collaboration", and we're planning on describing and demonstrating the techniques that we used to develop the Pachyderm software with people scattered across North America.

Fun stuff like pair programming with VNC, iChatAV, wikis, weblogs, Breeze Live, SubEthaEdit, etc...

My co-conspirators in this are Joshua Archer and King Chung Huang. If you're going to be at NMC2005, I look forward to seeing you at the session!

If you're going to the conference, and are looking to bring family members, be sure to check out the condos in the same building as the conference hotel! The Norman clan was able to grab a 2 bedroom condo with a kitchen for 2 weeks, and there's apparently several units left.

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