The Links 2004-11-08 episode is now available. I added the Super Cheesy Intro, and tried recording using Audacity (after Snapz Pro X 2.0 refused to recognize my iSight camera/microphone). Levels are still messed up, and it's essie as heck, but I'm still working on the process ;-)
Here are the links from today's episode:
- John Dehlin on IRC
- Codebase: Lazy WOComponent Initialization
- Codebase: Programatic WODisplayGroup
- Edupodding
- New Map of North America
- Who owns metadata?
- James Farmer returns!
- The Tragedy of the Comments (signal vs. noise...)
- Some thoughts on metadata (and audioblogging)
- Internet as Distributed Cognition
- Internet as Extended Memory
- Steven Frank on QuickSilver
- MacOSXHints - Dismissing QT Registration Dialog Remotely
- Speech Assessment Tool
- W3C Workshop on Metadata for Content Adaptation