I’ve been trying to model a space (starting with a learning space in the TI) in UE5 and have been stuck by the editing tools. So, I figured why not try building a model in Blender and export that for use in a UE5 project?

I was able to get the dimensions right (based on the architectural files I have), and cut out windows and doors using boolean subtraction. It looks like it works, but I don’t have time to import it into a new UE5 project right now, but that’s the next step.

[later that evening…]

I tried bringing the .fbx file into UE5. It kinda-sorta worked, but is definitely janky. And the booleans don’t work at all. And the scale of the imported object is off. I need to go watch about 12 different YouTube videos to see how to model this properly in Blender, then export the model, then import it to UE5.

A “high quality screenshot” rendered by UE5. You can tell, from all of the high quality.

[update 2, later that evening…]

I figured out that if I import the .fbx file into my Unreal Engine project, it adds the individual objects (with booleans apparently intact?) – so I just dragged those onto the level and reassembled the room I’d built in Blender. There _has_ to be a better way to do this, and I can’t believe I still can’t find a way to do boolean subtractions within Unreal. Or setting the dimensions of objects (so I can say a cube is 7m x 4m x .25m rather than using whatever scale stuff Unreal’s editor seems to prefer).

Anyway. A baby step closer…

A strangely copyright-compliant not-Iron-Man third-person model, in a reconstructed room put together from the bones of the .fbx import. The doors and windows LOOK like the boolean worked, but I can’t actually walk through the doors or jump through the windows. You’re not supposed to jump through the windows, but doors should be able to door.