⚙️ Work

The Taylor Institute’s 2020 Report to Community was released (PDF version, for when the URL gets recycled for the 2021 report…). It’s one for the ages, including information about our work to help support The Big COVID Pivot™. Incredible work. I mean. Wow. What an amazing team!

TI 2020 Report to Community: Responding to a Global Health Emergency TI 2020 Report to Community: Responding to a global health emergency

TI 2020 Report to Community: Learning Technologies Advisory Committee and Pedagogical Innovation TI 2020 Report to Community: Learning Technologies Advisory Committee and Pedagogical Innovation

We worked on a new module for the TI’s Resources website, on designing (and implementing) adaptable courses. Something that will be kind of useful for the summer and fall semesters this year, as contexts continue to shift.

🤔 PhD

Finally heard back regarding the paper submission. So far, batting… 0%. so far.

Finishing off the ethics application for the design study project of my dissertation, then to get mapping out what the sessions will look like so I can collect some data this summer…

📚 Reading

Bartolic, S. and Guppy, N. (2021) UBC’s Pivot to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning: Perspectives on the Transition at the Vancouver Campus. Vancouver BC: University of British Columbia (via Tony Bates)

Carolyn Samuel, in Teaching for Learning @ McGill University: McGill’s Cloud Directive: The all-weather business of protecting students’ privacy and intellectual property - a really good overview of their work to communicate expectations and responsibilities of instructors who use third-party cloud software. This is hard work. We’ve been chipping away at this as well, and McGill’s resources are impressive.

UCalgary’s own Cloud Management Standard is available as well: IT-S08 Cloud Management Standard.

🧺 Other

After wrapping things up on Friday afternoon, I headed out on the bike to do some strategic planning. Lots of ideas…

1A Retreat Bearspaw Loop

🗓️ Focus for next week

  • Lots of team meetings
  • My annual performance review meeting
  • Lots of other meetings