March 18, 2020. It’s now been a year since shifting to work remotely due to the pandemic.

It’s been 2 years since I started chemo on March 19, 2019. So, in the last 24 months, I’ve spent 17 of them in isolation at home.

It was also 3 years ago, March 19, 2018, that I took a trip to Arizona to hang out with amigos after getting the diagnosis.

I guess this has historically been a big week for me over the last few years…

And, hey. The Province of Alberta says it’s time to move back to campus for the fall semester. The university is planning for a few scenarios.

🤔 PhD

I submitted a paper to RO-MAN 2021. And continued work refactoring the dissertation.

📚 Reading

The future learning environment, pedagogical and technological perspectives - a collection of articles, edited by Simon K. S. Cheung, Lam For Kwok, Kongkiti Phusavat and Harrison Hao Yang.

Cheung, S.K.S., Kwok, L.F., Phusavat, K. et al. Shaping the future learning environments with smart elements: challenges and opportunities. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 18, 16 (2021).

Taylor, K.L., Kenny, N.A., Perrault, E. & Mueller, R.A. (2021) Building integrated networks to develop teaching and learning: the critical role of hubs, International Journal for Academic Development, DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2021.1899931

Steven Mintz, in Inside Higher Ed: Reimagining the LMS.

🧺 Other

I got out on the bike on the first day of spring!

moose crossing

🗓️ Focus for next week

Lots of HR stuff - annual reviews, and continuing on the hiring process for the new Learning Technologies Specialist position.