⚙️ Work

  • Virtual Simulations Working Group - lots of cool online experiential learning work happing across the university. Gearing up to support more of it for fall.
  • Annual performance review. It was a good year, despite being away for 5 months of it. Lots of work to do, and the nature of my role continues to shift.
  • Game Lab. It’s now part of my day job. Awesome!
  • Learning Technologies Advisory Committee - wrapping up the inaugural year of that meeting, as co-chair. What a great group!
  • “so… people are going to need to record or stream stuff from classrooms in the fall. how many classrooms are set up for that?” cough

🤔 PhD

  • Game Lab! Work and PhD lives colliding. It’s a thing now, and we’re planning on ramping it up asap.
  • Thesis proposal is nearly done! It’s shaping up really nicely, and I’m aiming to complete candidacy in August.

📚 Reading

  • Finished KSR’s Red Moon.
  • Started re-reading The Exanse series. Leviathan Wakes.

🧺 Other

  • Went for a bike ride to Cochrane and back on Friday morning. Busy highway, but a good ride. It’s a solid training route, uphill and into the wind for the first half, flying back to the city for the last half. Short enough to fit it in, but long enough to be worth it.

Uphill and into the wind

🗓️ Focus for next week

  • Zoom stuff
  • Developing a retention policy for recordings. We don’t have one in place, so everything gets retained forever. Which is silly. And very expensive.
  • Campus town hall.
  • Reviewing the F2020 D2L course creation process - we ran it much earlier than ever before, and if it went well, we’ll run the creation process for W2021 this summer as well. That usually happens in late October.