2016 week 51 in review


It was a quiet week, but maybe that gave burnout a chance to catch up to me. I don't know how to explain it - I've worked much harder before, but there's something about my current role that seems to keep me constantly close to the edge of burning out. I need to figure this out. I'm not going to speculate publicly, but there are some things I'm going to tweak in the next few weeks, and throughout the coming year. This stuff is too important to just keep trying to brute-force my way through it, hoping things will magically change. It doesn't work that way.



I took a day off and went to Sunshine Village with a friend on Tuesday. It was easily the best ski day of my life. An almost-empty ski hill (compared to what I'm used to), on so much fresh snow. And it snowed all day. Amazing. And, we had the added experience of being near the top of Lookout Mountain in complete whiteout conditions. I need to get in better shape before heading out again, though. Ouch.

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