I just updated the excellent [Relevanssi](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/relevanssi/) search index plugin (it makes the search feature of WordPress actually WORK, with relevant results rather than the lame built-in search). It reports on the top words in the search index. I'm a little surprised at the results (but, looking over the words in just this short post, I probably shouldn't be...).
1. just (1226)
1. like (846)
1. i'm (820)
1. i've (675)
1. really (557)
1. new (538)
1. time (517)
1. use (500)
1. stuff (494)
1. got (477)
1. way (474)
1. using (461)
1. pretty (443)
1. blog (441)
1. cool (428)
1. that's (426)
1. i'll (408)
1. don't (388)
1. going (387)
1. update (387)
1. work (376)
1. people (375)
1. things (370)
1. post (368)
1. sure (365)
I'm kinda surprised that "awesome" isn't high up that list...