Carl Berger is Blogging!

Excellent news! Carl Berger, the Gandalf of EDUCAUSE and Merlot, has (finally) started blogging! Thanks for doing that, Carl, and I look forward to reading your posts!

Leadership Institute Blog » Blog Archive » Hello from Carl Berger Judging from the photo in that post, I'm wondering/hoping he'll be making the trek to NMC2005 in Honolulu this year.

It's even cooler that Carl is blogging as part of the Apple Digital Campus initiative. I listened to the EDUCAUSE NLII podcasts, and it sounds like they're going to be doing some very cool stuff in the next year.

I would have posted this as a comment directly on the ADC Institute blog post, but they've turned off comments unless you're registered on the blog. And they've disabled registration... :-)

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